بنات الجزائر
اهلا وسهلا ومرحبا زائرنا الكريم اتمنى لك قضاء وقت ممتع معنا .....ولكن قبل كل شىء نرجو منك التسجيل وهذا لسهولة تنقلك في المنتدى دون اي مشاكل الى اللقاء ........وشكرا لكم

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

بنات الجزائر
اهلا وسهلا ومرحبا زائرنا الكريم اتمنى لك قضاء وقت ممتع معنا .....ولكن قبل كل شىء نرجو منك التسجيل وهذا لسهولة تنقلك في المنتدى دون اي مشاكل الى اللقاء ........وشكرا لكم
بنات الجزائر
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

فرض في الانجليزية

اذهب الى الأسفل

فرض في الانجليزية Empty فرض في الانجليزية

مُساهمة من طرف ناريمان 18/11/2009, 4:03 pm


Paul: I’m going to Australia next summer. You are Australian Dave, aren’t you?
Dave: That’s right. My hometown is Melbourne.
Paul: I have told that there isn’t much pollution and that the beaches are clean and very beautiful.
Dave: That’s true. Australia has the most famous beaches in the world, like Bondi beaches. They are also the cleanest beaches.
Paul: What do you advise me to visit there?
Dave: Well, the Great Barrier. It is the longest coral reef in the world. And if you travel to the north, you can visit the Kakadu National Park, the largest park in Australia.
Paul: Wow! That sounds wonderful!

1. Are these statements true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (N.M): (3pts)
a. Paul is from Australia.→ ………………………..
B.The Australian beaches are not polluted. → ………………………..
c. Bondi lies in the east of Australia. → ………………………..

2. Answer these questions: (2pts)
a. Where does Paul intend to go?
→ …………………………………………………………………...
b. Are Australian beaches clean?
→ ……………………………………………………………………

Find in the dialogue words that are opposite in meaning to: (2pts)
a. wrong ≠………………………….. / b. dirty ≠…………………………..
c. horrible ≠………………….….. / d. the smallest ≠………………………

1. Complete this table: (3pts)

Adjectives Comparatives Superlatives
………........................ ………............................
Worse than The dirtiest

2. Choose the best answer: (4pts)
a. Australia is ………………………..…………………….than Europe.
far – further – the furthest
b. Kakadu park is the…………………………………place you can visit.
good – better – best
c. The Australian beaches are the …………………………….. beaches in the world.
beautiful – more beautiful than –most beautiful
d. Paul and Dave are ………………………………………….…friends.
good – better than

Use the map and complete the paragraph about The United Kingdom:
In the north of Europe, lie the British Isles. The largest island is …………… …………………………. in the south. ……………………… in the north.and Wales in the ……………………………….. .The second largest ………………. is called Ireland. It is divided into two countries: ……………………………….. Ireland and Southern …………………………………….
مديرة المنتدى
مديرة المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 469
السٌّمعَة : 2
تاريخ الميلاد : 27/05/1992
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/08/2009
العمر : 31
المزاج : ممتاز


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